Group admins have the ability to invite members to their group(s). Grow your community by inviting potential learners into the group.
Select 'Assign' from the left navigation and the 'Assign' page will display. Select from a variety of invitation options. Select whether you want to invite someone to a Group, Course, Team, etc. and to what role (member, admin, creator, participant, instructor, etc.). You can type an email address into the search box to search/assign. Should you want to invite users in bulk, we suggets that you first prepare a personal spreadsheet (CSV file) of users' names and their email adresses and then upload that file using the 'Upload CSV' button. We recommend creating a simple spreadsheet with 1st column = 1st name; 2nd column = last name; 3rd column = email address. When you select 'Assign People' you can simply use the invitation template or add customized information.