As a learner, quickly access your courses from the 'Courses' page, the 'Up Next' Feed on your 'Homepage', a course link shared with you, or a course email invite.
The Courses Page
To access your courses page, click the 'Courses' option on the left menu bar.
The 'Up Next' Feed on the Homepage
To access courses from the 'Up Next Feed', first click the 'Homepage' option from the left menu bar.
Then, access a range of upcoming courses and events on the right side of the homepage, with the 'Up Next' feed,
The 'Up Next' feed is one convenient feed that holds all of the upcoming things to do on the platform:
Upcoming Courses
Upcoming steps within courses that you have started
Upcoming live events within courses
Upcoming steps with a due date
Web: The 'Up Next' feed is located n the right side of the homepage.
Mobile-Web: The 'Up Next' feed is the homepage experience from mobile-web on any device. This will replicate the web experience very closely.
Course Links
If the admin of your group utilized a course link to share the course, that course can always be accessed by clicking that course link (URL) that was sent to you via email or via your company's website.
Starting or Continuing a Course
Start A Course: To start a course, simply click the 'Start Course' button.
Continue a Course: To continue a course where you left off, click the 'Continue' button.
This will take you directly to the last step you were on.
RSVP: To RSVP to a live event, click the RSVP option on the event before going live.
Note: After the event, you can click if you attended the event.
View Event Details: Click 'View Details' to see more about the event including which course it is a part of.
Start a Course from an Email
To start a course from an email invitation, go to the email invite, and click the 'Accept Invite' button. This will take you directly to the course. If you are not signed in, you'll be prompted to do so.