Content Blocks are the different types of content that can be swiftly added and used for any learning experience (course) with the authoring tool. Blocks include: our proprietary prompt blocks (revealing a unique prompt which elicits a response from each learner (more to come on that below), text (with a WYSIWYG editor), videos (the preferred method of auto-loading from YouTube and Vimeo links, recorded online on the platform, or uploaded), audio files, images, files (PDF), native forms (including surveys, polls, assessments, and quizzes), native events (including live Zoom events), coach bookings, and HTML/Javascript embedded code/scripts or website links.
Quickly add any block type by doing the following:
Click a blue 'plus' button anywhere in the course content area
Click any of the block types to add a new block as seen below.
Click the 'Upload Files' tab in this authoring tool to add one or more files: images, documents and/or audio.
Add Block 'Plus' button
Authoring Tool
The content blocks feature our proprietary, 'Prompt Blocks'. Here are a few key elements of this powerful tool in the learning, training and coaching arc:
Prompt blocks enable the course creator to ask any open ended question for the learner to respond with up to 5 different response types (Video recording, Text Journaling, Audio recording, PDF and Image).
This gives each learner the ability to practice and reflect on what they've learned, thinking critically and applying that learning in meaningful and engaging manners.
One or more roles can then see and comment on those responses, depending on the subscription plan and settings for each course and step.
This includes the ability to have infinitely scalable, coached learning with Saige AI coach, in any plan that includes this feature.
One or more prompt block can be added to any step in a learning experience (course).
Here are the steps to add a prompt block:
Click the 'plus button' to reveal the authoring tool.
Then click the 'Prompt' type in the authoring tool.
Update the Prompt Block settings
Write the prompt/question for the learners to respond to
Choose one or more response types.
Learners get to select which one they want to use based on the selections for that prompt block.
Privacy can be updated based on the group subscription (AI Coached, Facilitator, and Cohort learning)
Learner response required: Check this if it's desired that this prompt and response is required, if the step is required.
Conversely, a step can be required and this can be unchecked thereby making this particular prompt block un-required in a required step.
These are automatically created when using Saige AI Learning design companion
Add a Prompt Block
Prompt Block Settings
Here are the steps to add a text block:
Click the 'plus button' to reveal the authoring tool.
Then click the 'Text' type in the authoring tool.
From there text can be added and edited in the open field.
Click the save button.
Video of how to add a text block
Use the file upload button on the authoring tool to upload images, documents and/or audio files.
Click the plus button to reveal the content block window and authoring tool.
Click either the bottom Upload file button or the same button on the upper right hand corner.
Drop and drag or click to upload one or more files from your desired source (Computer, Dropbox, Google Drive etc)
Load one or more files all at the same time.
Sort files as desired if needed.
Video for how to upload one or more files
After adding desired images with the 'Upload' capability, customize the title, height, add Alt Text for improved accessibility, and scale the image to desired preference:
Quick overview of image adding and editing
Note: for images, the best practice is to use the Image content block versus loading an image into a text block. We recommend you load at least a 1200px wide image to preserve the best image quality. Our system will preserve the aspect ratio of the image. We use responsive design to automatically scale the image for various device types.
As mentioned in the intro, videos can be added to the platform in several ways:
Video Options
Embedding a YouTube or Vimeo Link: this is the preferred method for adding videos as it is the quickest and most efficient manner, while enabling the user to utilize the videos for other uses as they are stored in either YouTube or Vimeo.
Quick Embed Settings
Here are the steps how to add one of these embed videos:
Click the Video block option in the content block authoring tool (as seen above ππΌ)
Click the 'Embed Video' option in the video upload dialogue box
Paste your YouTube or Vimeo link into the field
Add a title if desired
Hit Save
*For additional information on using the other video tools please go to this detailed article.
Click the plus button
Click the 'Form' option on the authoring tool
Create a new form or use an existing one from the drop-down option
If an existing 'Form' is selected, you will be asked to 'link' or 'clone' the form.
Linked forms will show all data in one form results area to view outcomes.
Sort through each linked form with a sort option in the results area.
Cloned forms will create a new version of the same form with a unique results area to view metrics and outcomes.
Add Native Form (Self Assessment, Quiz, Survey)
Select existing or create new:
Link or Clone an existing Form:
FORM RESULTS BLOCK: The 'Form Results' block next to the native form block enables users with that features to show the results of any form in a course, in a later step.
Once a form is added to a step go to a later step in the course
Click the form results block type
Add a title if desired
Select the results from a previous 'Form' from a prior step in the course
Form Results Block Settings
Click the plus button in the authoring tool
Click the 'Website URL' option on the authoring tool
Add your URL (Title and Height if desired)
Click Save
Add a Website URL
Website URL Settings
This process is almost identical to adding a website URL. The main difference that instead of adding a URL, an embed code must be added instead.
β*Important Note: Some sites do not allow embed codes to show on all platforms, so it is possible that the embed code block will not work in that circumstance.
Click the plus button in the authoring tool
Click the 'Embed Code' option on the authoring tool
Add an Embed Code (And title for the block if desired)
Click save
Add an Embed Code
Embed Code Settings