Creating and Editing Forms
Forms are essential tools for gathering information and engaging with users, ideal for surveys, polls, quizzes, and self-assessments. Follow these steps to create and effectively manage forms within your organization or courses:
Step 1: Access the Form Builder
Navigate to the Form Builder by selecting the 'Forms' tab from the Admin Navigation Bar. Click the '+ Create New Form' button to start a new form.
Step 2: Set Up Your Form
On the form creation page:
- Enter the name of your form.
- Select the desired type: Form, Quiz or Assessment.
- Click 'Create Form'.
- Customize the form's basics by clicking the 'Edit Basics' button — add name, group, introduction message, completion message, and privacy settings.
Step 3: Add Content
Add fields to your form to collect the required information:
- Text: For open-ended responses.
- Multiple Choice: Allows one or more selections.
- Scale: To rate or rank responses.
- Yes/No, Date, Number, and Email fields.
Step 4: Save and Manage
After setting up your form, save it. It will appear in the list of forms where you can later edit or delete it.
Step 5: Integrate Forms into Courses
Enhance your courses by integrating forms. Add any form into a course step as a content block. Course admins can create any of the three types of forms—Quiz, Assessment, or Form—from the course edit page or incorporate an existing form.
Taking a Form
When users take a form, they experience:
- Single-Field Display: Only one form field is displayed at a time.
- Progress Tracking: A progress bar shows the completion status.
- Navigation: Learners can scroll or use navigation buttons to move through the form.
- Autosave: Responses are saved progressively.
- Validation and Accessibility: Users must complete required fields to proceed, and all fields are accessible via keyboard.
Upon completion, learners see a thank-you message and the time they completed it.
Reviewing Responses
Users with appropriate permissions such as form editors or course instructors can view form responses by clicking on the 'Show Response' button to see a readonly modal display of the responses.