There are different Google Doc response types. To respond with a new Google Doc, select the Google Doc response type. A Google account is required to use Google Doc responses. Select the Google account and grant access. A new Google Doc will be created with the name of the step. This document will be saved to the course as your step response, and your Google Drive.
You can also insert a current Google Doc by selecting the file from Google Drive. Once selected, it will appear in the course.
The final type of Google Doc response is a Google template. Select 'Create Document' and authenticate the Google account. This option will open a Google Doc that has been started by the instructor (often with assignments, exercises or activities to respond to within the doc). Add responses and ideas to the doc. Click done and it will save as the response, with your name added to the title of the template.
All Google Docs created or edited in Dream See Do can be accessed in the course and in Google Drive. Any future edits to the Google Docs will be reflected in the course response.