To update your profile picture, and other profile elements:
Navigate to your Profile image (or initials) on the bottom left of the left menu bar.
Note: If you haven't added a profile image during onboarding, the image will default to the first letter of your profile name unless you use a third-party single sign-on like Gmail.
Click that image to reveal the drop-down.
Note: If you sign up with Gmail (or another 3rd party single sign-on tool), and the email account you used to register has an image associated with it, the system will automatically pick it up and set it as your profile picture by default.
Click 'Profile'.
The following can be updated:
On the left of the profile page, you can edit your image, location, and interests.
On the right is your Narrative Path or ‘My Path’ section where you can add events, dreams, achievements, Aha! moments, influential books and much more.
When cohort learning is enabled in a group, these things can be shared with other learners if desired by the group admins.
On the bottom of the page is a Calendar ‘My Work’ that acts as a journal, keeping track of the actions you take while logged in on the platform. More on these features below.
Upload a Profile Picture
To upload (or change) a profile picture:
Select the camera icon on the profile picture section.
In the pop-up window that appears, choose one of the sources to find and upload the profile picture that best represents you.
Edit Your Narrative Path
In order to edit what people will see under your Narrative path:
Click the “Edit” button at the top right corner of the “My Path” Box to edit or add new path items.
This will bring you to a screen with several informational categories that you can add or remove as needed: Dreams, Aha! Moments and Books
Example: To “Add A Book”, select the blue highlighted text or the “+”. Fill in the information and save.
Note: To save the updates in this section click the “SAVE” button right under your changes.
Once you are done editing this area select “I’m Done Editing” in the right top corner of this section. This will take you back to the version of your profile others will see.
Edit or Delete an entry with the 'pencil' and 'x' options.
You can always add a new entry later if you accidentally delete it, however, the system will not have the old information saved.
Understanding (adding to) 'My Work'
Just below ‘My Path’ is the ‘My Work’ section. This area operates as a calendar heatmap that automatically updates all of the exercises, activities, assignments, and reflections that you do on the platform.
Green Dots are for past activity.
Pink Dots are for future events.
The Grey Dot is for today.
The calendar adjusts on a color gradient based on how much has been completed daily (as noted in the legend below the calendar).
Open any prior activity and 'star' it if desired.
Then click the 'Starred' items to view those at a later date.